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    Name: Elodie Leroy
Nickname: Elodie
Age: 24
Country: Paris, France
Nationality: French
ICQ Number: Soon...

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Lethal Weapon 4

Concerning the photo from LW4 … it's hard to explain. In fact i had noticed this shot even the first time i saw the movie in the theater and as i was searching for it, i found it several times on the net, but the picture was never good-quality enough. I first drew it but i was so unsatisfied of my work that i entirely restarted from the beginning a few weeks ago and i decided to do it directly taking the TV screen as model ("pause" !) as DVD offer avery high resolution. I had kept this shot in my mind because i was looking for a picture where we could see his face very close and i liked the sudden and strong impression it creates in the movie when Jet appears in this scene. It can seem paradoxal but i like very much this character though he is a villain ! But a fascinating and very charismatic villain: he is very silent and mysterious, every move of his can surprise you, and he has always this very intense look in his eyes. And that is what i liked on this shot : his expression is very strong, mysterious, and intense. We can't really define it as he is impenetrable, there is in this shot something scary and beautiful at the same time … I tried to catch this mystery and strengh in his eyes, and i worked a lot on the light and shades effects on his face, which are very subtle as the picture is well-lighted, but very important to make feel the presence of the man …

Original Version

Original Version

Jet Li's Birthday

As for Jet's birthday gift, the drawing from " My father is a hero ", i wanted this one to be the gift because the choice of the photo i drew was very personal. When i draw a portrait, i choose very carefully the photo because i want it to show something i particularily like in the person i draw. It is important to be inspired by the photo through the impression and feeling it creates, and it took me a great time to choose this one. I thought about drawing him in a fighting attitude but when my eyes met this one i was very inspired for many reasons. The first reason must be the character it was representing : Kung Wei is one of my favourite character Jet ever acted, if not my favourite. I find him very moving and intense in this role, and i like so much his relationship with the little boy. On this photo, we see him from behind, he has a mysterious expression, and he seems to look back at something. It reminds me about Kung Wei, who has to be far from his family because of his duty, but can't stop thinking about the ones he loves and has left behind him … This role means so much to me towards Jet's acting in general. Besides, i love the view angle of the photo : i love profiles, even if it's one of the most difficult angle for me, and i love the light effect on his face. This was a challenge because the photo itself is the cover of the DVD ! I had to be very thorough and careful on every single shade and light, even those which can seem insignifiant, because it can change everything in the balance of the portrait. That's something that asks a lot of work but i find this kind of challenge very exciting.

Theses drawings were made on a classic white sheet with different kinds of pencils (2H, HB, 9B,…) to create the different tones of shades, which i take a great care on to make feel the volumes and the texture the picture shows.

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