Lina |
21 years old female, from Malaysia |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: lynnie264@yahoo.com |
Dear Jet,
Happy birthday to both of us because we share the same
birthday! Mine one is on 26th April 1978. Happy Birthday again!
Regards, Lina
42- Kongkea
Sith |
17 years old male, from Thailand |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5
years E-mail:
www@Kable00.com |
just want to said happy birthday to you. I just want to say that you are a best
martial artist. I am going tell little bit about. I was born in thailand but, I
speak Combodian. Peace. |
43- Morgan
Evans |
17 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: jedit1000@hotmail.com |
Dear Mr. Lianjie, I would like to wish you the greatest birthday ever. You
truly deserve it. I am a huge fan of your movies and your skill, but mostly
your true self. You have been a big influence in my life. It has been hard to
do well in school due to the fact that I have Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD)
which makes it difficult for me to pay attention in class and on tests to get
good grades. Even with the medication, it is hard. But I find that I am trying
to follow in your footsteps. I realized that in order to get paste my weekness
I need to face it head on and not hide behind it and blame my troubles on it.
You have helped me to do that. It's hard to explain but you have had such a
posative effect on my life that I wish that I could do more for you than just
write you a letter. I would just like you to know how important you are to me.
Although we have never met, you seem like a dear friend. I also have been
taking martial arts for most of my life and have a great respect for your !
skill. I put forth 110 percent in karate, and I try to also be a good person,
and friend, like you have been to me in a way. After seeing Romeo Must die, a
friend of mine stated while we were walking out of the theater, "Man you could
be the next Jet Li." and you could not believe how good that made me feel,
being compared to one of my greatest heros. So I would like to thank you with
all my heart and wish you the BEST birthday ever. I hope that someday, I might
be able to repay the great favor you have done for me.
Your friend, Morgan Evans |

44- Hanif
Ajmal |
23 years old male, from Norway |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: khattak@online.no |
Hey Jet,
First of all,
congratulations for your wedding & a very very happy on your upcoming
birthday. Keep the good work. |
45- Kalam
Lee |
17 years old female, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: kalaml@hotmail.com |
Dear Mr.Li,
HiHi!! First of all, I'd like to wish you a very happy
birthday!!! You're so awesome!! My mom, my two best friends and me all loved
your movies and of course, you!! You're soooo talented and that makes us all so
jealous... You know, I also have a very important university interview on the
26th, it's my big day too... It'll determine if I could go to that university
to take the course I really want or not!! Happy Birthday from all of us!!
Love, Kalam
^0^ |
46- Tien Le
32 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: tientle@yahoo.com |
Although I don't watch a lot of your movies recently, I have seen some old HK
movies a few years ago. I have never gone into the internet for information on
any celebrities before. I'm not one of those crazy fans that go out of the way
to get to celebrities. However, a funny thing happened recently that made me
searched for you on the internet. A few weeks ago, I had a dream about you.
Taking into consideration that I have not watched any of your recent movies
shown in the U.S., I don't know how did you showed up in my dream. The funny
thing is that it seems so real when I woke up. The story of the dream was quite
simple. You were my hero rescuing me from an attack by two men (almost like a
movie, hah!hah!hah!). It has been a week and I can't seem to wash you out of my
mind. Don't worry, I'm not a crazy person. Just a ordinary girl. I work in Long
Beach, California. Anytime you're in the Los Angeles area, I think I would like
to meet you. Of course I know I will not have the opportunity to meet you in
person personally, but perhaps at a special public event? I have not read your
biography, so I don't know your age. I do know your birthday is coming up. I'm
sure you will have a very special celebration. Best of luck with your career in
the U.S. and Happy Birthday, Jet. |

47- Carole
Laberge |
Female, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: Laberca@videotron.ca |
Happy Birthday to you Mr. Jet Li! As we say in the province of Quebec:
"C'est à ton tour de te laisser parler d'amour" that means " It's at
your turn to let people saying how much they love you" I wish friendship,
affection & love will be with you for that day and all the year. Success in
your career. Hugs & Kisses Carole |
48- K'yen
Yeung |
21 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: LUV269KYEN@AOL.COM |
Dear Jet, you and I have the same birthday month. I just turned 21 on
the 8th. I have been a big fan since the age of 14 or 15. I saw "Once Upon A
Time In China" when it came out and knew that you would later become a big star
in the U.S. My family, Friends and I have seen all of your movies and we have
never been dissatisfied with any of your performances. You have brought to the
American-Chinese - as well as other asian communities inspiration, motivation
and most of all... pride. Thank you and keep up the astounding "eye candy" you
bring to the screen. Happy Birthday!!!
P.S. You should do a John Woo movie with Jackie Chan and Chow Yun Fat.
49- Vivian
Her |
30 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: vivianher@dotplanet.com |
sweetheart... Ever since I saw your movie "Romeo Must Die", all I have been
thinking about is your lips on mine. How my tongue can work in your mouth like
you've never encountered before. You may think that I'm a psycho-path, but I
can assure you that you won't be disappointed. I'm the biggest fan you will
ever know. I have seen all your movies and have almost all your posters up on
my wall. If you think that there may be something between us, please email me.
I will check my emails everyday until I hear from you. My love for you will
never die. To us forever...
birthday sweet lips, Vivian Her |
50- Elga
Casino |
Female, from Philippines |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: eqpcas@yahoo.com |
wish you a very happy birthday and great success in your career. I have been a
fan for about 10 years now. I watched all your movies in the Philippines from
"Once Upon A Time in China" (all of them) to "Invincible Dawn" where your name
was top-billed only for me to see you appear in the movie a mere three minutes.
You have many fans in the Philippines. The theaters are always full whenever
you have a movie showing. When I relocated to the US, I really missed watching
your movies so when Lethal Weapon 4 came out, I was extremely excited that I
watched it over and over. It was a super treat for me as you and Mel Gibson are
my favourite actors and for you both to be in the same film was just
phenomenal. I just recently watched "Romeo Must Die" and I thought it was
really great. The choreography was fantastic, especially your scene with
Russell Wong. I hope to meet you one day and actually shake your hand. I hold
you in high regard and I think you will be a great role model for young
children, including my 20-months old daughter who I hope pursues a martial art
when she gets older. All the best to you. |

51- Hien Lam
14 years old male, from Vietnam |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: havok@gamebox.net |
want to wish you a Happy Birthday Jet Li. I am a huge fan of yours. Right after
when I saw Black Mask, I was amazed with your abilities. I started looking for
your other movies. I started looking up information about you and I had no idea
you did all that work. You worked very hard and you always strive for the best.
I want to be just like you. I saw Romeo Must Die twice because it was so good!
I wish you best wishes and keep making those movies. |
Dezera |
15 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than 1 year E-mail: egyptiandesire@yahoo.com |
Happy Birthday, Jet Li! I'm so glad you were picked to play Romeo
in 'Romeo Must Die'. You were so good in that movie. I've already seen it twice
and I'm gonna see it again!! |
53- Wei
18 years old female, from China |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: weizi126@yahoo.com |
Jet, your movies are all very good. I like them very much. I hope
you will have a very nice birthday. I want to say HAPPY
BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be your fan forever!!!! |
Pheng |
18 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years |
I think your movies are very good. I hope you come out with some new movies
soon. I think you will also be even better than Bruce Lee. |
Christina |
17 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: thina@asia.com |
Hiya Jet!! I just wanna say Happy Birthday!!! Hope you'll get everything you
want.. I also wanted to say, I love your movie Romeo Must Die.. you are such a
cutie (for a 36 yr. old)!!! Your wife is pretty lucky to have a husband who
still looks young and cute!! Haha... anyway, Happy Birthday again... okie?? Are
you starring in the Matrix 2? People told me that... so, anyway... bye!! Best
luck in the future. *muah* |
56- S. Tommy
Xiong |
16 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: cuty81@hotmail.com |
Hi there Jet... I just wanted to drop off and say have a great
Happy B-day! Me and my girlfriend really like you... she thinks you are
adorable and I think you are a great martial artist... you have a great talent
and keep it up... I really wish to see you in person... and I wish I can learn
your skills... but only fate may tell... but it doesn't matter... as long as u
keep making movies in the US, then it's all good. I am a really big fan of
yours since I was ten years old. So keep on making movie and we'll support you
all the way! And just wanted to wish you the best in life. Hope you will
succeed in whatever you are doing. Happy Birthday Jet Li!!
Always your fans, TOMmy & CaSeY |
Vonida |
14 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: CuteSmile@mail.com |
Hey Jet! Wussup! Happy Birthday by the way. Well, just felt like saying hi
dude! Alrite gotta go! Bye! |
58- Gina
Vang |
17 years old female, from Minnesota |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: vang_baby_gina@hotmail.com |
Hello there, well, this is Gina Vang and I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
You probably don't know me but I want to be one of your fan. Do you know my
uncle Yia Vue? Well, he's a martial artist and he learned kung-fu. He's the one
who took pictures, shaking hand with you at a party in the USA. Well, I'm his
niece and it's nice to know you. By the way, I loved your movies, especially
those ones from China you were in. Well, just wanted to stop and say "Happy
Birthday" to you and wish you the best and good luck! |
59- Michelle
Her |
13 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: angelibabe@Psyducky.zzn.com |
Hey! Just want to wish you a Happy B-Day. Hope you will make more of your
awesome movies!!! I really enjoy them a lot! I am your fan till the end! Just
wish you the best! You know all us fans out there luv's ya ton's!! |
60- Lawrence
Lee |
20 years old male, from Taiwan |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: llee@austinc.edu |
To wo duh dah ing shong li lien jieh, I remember the very first time that
I saw your first film back in 1983. I was only four but I clearly remember the
vivid experience. This was before I ever watched Bruce Lee or any other Chinese
martial arts films my father would show me. My father told me that I had rented
the video, sao ling si, at least 12 times within a time span of five months.
Since then, your role in that film and films you would later make has shaped
and influenced my life in more ways than you could think of. I own and have
watched every one of your films, from sao ling si to romeo, and I can
practically recognize any of the mandarin lines you have said in the movies. I
not only rever your films but your lifestyle and the person that you have grown
into. Thank you for everything you have given to all Chinese around the world.
One of your greatest fans, Lawrence Li Zong-Da