1- Kevin
Lam |
21 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: lamtr@bc.edu |
I'm your very true fan. I've been
watching your movies/works since I was back in Vietnam. I love all the fights
in your Fist of Legend movie. I watch it like more than 10 times. Since your
birthday is coming up, I wish you always have best wishes in the USA. I wish
you a very happy birthday. I hope your work and reputation will be well-known
to the American audiences. Thank you very for everything you did. |
2- Khanh
Tran |
17 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less
than a year E-mail:
azn1badboy@_yahoo.com |
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you can go out with Aaliyah for one day. |
3- Suevon
Xiong |
17 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: www.nasty_pimp69@hotmail.com |
there Jet Li I just wanted to say happy early 37 birthday. Enjoy your
celebration! I wish I was there to sing you a birthday song but I can't. Well,
I don't really have much to say now but long live to the master! |
4- Shevonne
Joe |
Female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: some_girl00@go.com |
Dear Li Lianjie, Hello,
I'm a Navajo
Indian which is Native American from Arizona and I am very interested in
learning martial arts. First of all, I want to ask you if it is wrong for a
different race to be taught martial arts? I'm very much interested in learning
because I want to bring myself to a content in life and since martial arts can
help stimulate your ability in life than I want to try this for my own interest
and you've also inspired me to do many things right. I wanted to thank you for
so many things you've brought to my attention and I appreciate it very much.
And this year I graduate from highschool and I wanted you to know I dedicated
my graduation ceremony to you. Just by reading your website and learning more
about you, I've learned to be who I can be and you've taught me to be
respectful toward life and you've also opened up my eyes to the world of
philosophy and dedication to what I believe in. Thank you and Happy
Shevonne Joe |

5- Michael
Adair |
27 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: madair@mailcity.com |
I practiced the most traditional version of Capoeira called Angola. I
am interested to hear your opinion on this particular art form. It involves
music, ritual, play, theatrics, fighting techniques, dance and acrobatics. I
would love to share your words with my fellow Angoleros on the subject, some of
whom are great admirers of your work, largely due to my influence.(Hey! credit
where credit is do) Keep up the good work,
Best, Michael
P.S This may
seem silly, but some time when you have the chance, I think you should work
with Bruce Campbell(Army of Darkness), he's a cool guy and a talented actor
(underutilized completly). |
Matt |
14 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: mattthebiglips@hotmail.com |
Hey I think you're cool and your movies show the best kung-fu I have ever seen!
I hope you will have a great birthday! Talk to you later and I think that Romeo
Must Die was the best movie you have made yet. Keep them coming! BYE
7- Siti
Hassulaini Abdul Rahman |
27 years old female, from Malaysia |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: sitihassulaini@yahoo.com |
Happy 37th birthday from a big fan of yours. You have choosen the
right path from the beginning. So, please keep it in the track, brother. My 2
favourite words are OFF DUTY. My favourite actions are when you hanging from
1st floor & the way you refill bullets in Bodyguards fr Beijing, when you
fight with the Japanese in the fist of legend & when you fight together
with your mom in Fong Sai Yuk series (it's good having an understanding mother
like that huh!). And please do me a favour, please write to me. I'll be glad if
you only can send me a short note ( please don't cheat me by asking your men do
it for you). Please! Please! Please! And I also have 2 questions for you...
1) Do you
ever used stuntman to replace you when you've done any dangerous action (like
jackie cheung in High Risk)? 2) Do you really can jump high and fly?
Tony |
14 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: GENUINEHOTBOY@HOTMAIL.COM |
Dear Jet, I am such a big fan of yours. Ever since I saw your movie "Black
Mask", I knew that you were the best fighter I have ever seen. I have only
three of your movies, but each of them are amazing and left me in awe. I saw
"Black Mask", "Romeo Must Die" and "Fist of Legend". I saw them and I said to
myself that I wanted to learn how to fight like you. Your style is like anyone
else I have ever seen in a movie. You move around like it is nothing and you
whip the other people's @$$ like they were your son. I want to see all of your
movies and own them(if they are good). They probably will be good considering
that the three movies I have seen were excellent. I hope that within the next 2
years you will be known world wide as the next Bruce Lee. Hopefully, even
better than than him to most people. I want to wish you a happy birthday and
keep making movies! It will help your career sore to new heights. Feel free to
write back to me if your have time.
Whatever you do to work out, keep doing it. Can you really do
one-handed pulloups and three-fingered push-ups like you did in the movie "Fist
of Legend"? |

9- Tomasz.
Z |
14 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: bobafett_56@hotmail.com |
Dear Jet, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday, and many, many more
years of movie making. I hope you keep kicking bad guys' assss! |
10- Minh
Nguyen |
17 years old male, from Vietnam |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: MinhRyu@aol.com |
Sir, how are you? I don't know if you really read these emails but I have been
your biggest fan for a long time. Your personality and your fighting style is
awesome. I just admire you so much. You are my idol. I just wish that someday
I'll get to meet you in real life, it would be everything i wanted in my whole
life. I always wanted to have as a master like you. I study your fighting style
and I would love to have you as my master. but I know that you are famous and
famous everyday, wish you the best luck. and If you have some free time please
email me sir. I hope I'll get to fight the man I admire most and wish you could
be my master. Sir it would be cool if me and you going one on one huh? Good
luck sir and I hope you write me back. |
11- Justin
Phillips |
19 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year |
Hey Jet I just want to say I love your movies and your style of martial arts. I
was wondering how long have you been training? What is the name of the style
you train? Anyway those are just some of the questions i wanted to ask you. I
wish you a happy birthday. From your number 1 fan. |
12- George
Liu |
14 years old male, from California |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: cxy635@aol.com |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Plus, congratulations on your marriage and the upcoming baby.
I hope you'll have a great birthday and a wonderful marriage. I have been a
long time fan of yours and you inspired me to martial arts. I have been taking
kung fu for about 4 years and I am on the wushu team. My goal is to be as good
as you. I hope in my life I can actually meet you in person. I have all the
movies you made and a lot of you pictures of Wong Fei Hong in my room. That
would make me very very happy. Thanks for taking the time to read my
George Liu
Romeo Must Die was a great
movie. |
Pansy |
24 years old female, from Japan |
Fanmeter: pansy@website.co.jp E-mail: 1 to 5 years |
dear Mr. JET LI, I wish you success in your work, your private life, I'm always
thinkin' about your happiness !!! You're our treasure! Happy birthday, Jet.
We're waiting for you. See you in JAPAN!!! |
14- Andrew
Fay |
14 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: jet_li_fan1@yahoo.com |
I've seen all your movies, even if I can't understand what they're saying. One
of my favorite movies is Bodyguard in Bejing. Please E-mail me back.My E-mail
adress is jet_li_fan1@yahoo.com,PLEASE!! |
15- Norbert
Hasler |
22 years old male, from Switzerland |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: n.hasler@bluewin.ch |
Special Greetings from Middle-Europe to the Far-East of Asia... The first movie
I saw with you, was Once Upon A Time In China 2, (Where you have to fight
against the White Lotus Sect). I was amazed about the Fighting Sequences and
the Music in the Background. There I decided, that it's the best Kung-Fu Movie
I ever saw... I wish you great luck for your future and good luck with your
family and a very Happy Birthday... And hopefully your movie productions wont
die, but go on with creative, powerfull and good ideas.
Good Luck and
stay fresh, Norbert Hasler |
16- Anthony
Silva |
16 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: XCypher73x@yahoo.com |
Dear Jet,
Happy Birthday!!! I find it to be very coincidental that your birthday is on
April 26 because 5 years ago on April 26th, I started my martial arts training.
I study 8-step Praying Mantis. I've seen all of your movies. You are my
favorite martial artist. I hope you have a great birthday and many more to
come. Your biggest fan, Anthony |
17- Jared
Bynum |
18 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: www.Deziah@msn.com |
Hello Jet Li. This your #1 fan again Jared Bynum and I'm typing this to you
because I had a dream that you and I made a movie and We were a team. We were
chasing a martial arts master and his gang all over China town and you did most
of the action scene! Well, thats all about my dream and I want to say Happy
Birthday to you and good luck on your Martial arts and acting skills.
Your #1 fan
Jared Bynum
P.S I know a
little of Martial arts myself but what makes great is that I have many diffrent
styles of Kung Fu, jiujistu, ninjistu but not tae kwon do. |
18- Pam
Tsing |
12 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: pam_tsing_a_song@yahoo.com |
Dear Jet, I truly wish you have a wonderful birthday and I admire your talent
in wushu.
Truly yours,
Pam |
19- Will
Roat |
16 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: primus316@hotmail.com |
Hey Jet! How are you on this fine evening? I would like to say
that the way you move in your art is amazing. Wushu is totaly awesome! I myself
am a student of Wing Tsun, but I feel Wushu looks better than Wing Tsun. I love
the way you bust out the drunken style fighting in "The deadly china hero".
Happy birthday and I hope to see you keep with your amazing gift. Martial Arts
are the best. Keep it real Jet! |
Chris |
21 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: elitesys@iname.com |
On behalf of all the martial artists who train, hoping that we could
someday be as cool as Jet Li, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday.
Thanks for the inspiration, and the awesome movies! |