1- Audrea
Topps-Harjo |
33 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: aeyeta@earthlink.net |
Happy Birthday, Jet! You are an extremely talented artist. It's self
evident that you have worked tirelessly to hone your skills. I'm proud of you
and commend you. I wish you all the best. Wherever your journey takes you,
please rest assure that I will be there to cheer you on.
Always, Audrea |
2- Heather
Buri |
Female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less
than a year E-mail:
hlburi@aol.com |
just discovered this very talented actor/martial artist. He is incredible and I
am looking forward to watch his next film. |
3- Matthew
Humphrey |
17 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: kade1000@hotmail.com |
Wow! Definately the most exciting martial artist who ever lived. I have seen
every one of your movies and tonight, I will be going to see Romeo must Die. I
expect that it will be as good as Fist of Legend. I am your number one fan.
4- Keng
Lee |
17 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: kenglee1999@yahoo.com |
You are the man. You are the bomb. You beat everyone. |
Corsini |
23 years old male, from France |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: Dragon5@wanadoo.fr |
First, I wish you an happy birthday. I'm very happy to know you.
Thanks for your movies. It's a pleasure to see your kung-fu. Thanks for you the
old kung-fu chinese movies! Thanks a lot Mr. Jet Li. |
6- Sang
Li |
20 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than 1 year E-mail: syl25122@csun.edu |
was only ten years old when my father brought me to a chinese theatre showing
"Dragon Fight" here in the U.S. Being very young and excited since I have never
been to a movie theatre, I was asking all sorts of questions about the movie.
One of my questions to my father was "who is that guy that is beating everyone
up?" My father told that his name is Jet Li (in chinese) and that he is a real
martial artist. Having trained in wushu for half a year when I was only six(I
came to the U.S. when I was six and my father didn't want us to learn anymore
because of fear that we would attract attention to ourselves and get into
fights). I was extremely surprised that wushu is capable of being so beautiful.
I became a Jet Li fan after that. Each time one of your films came out, my
father would take me to the theatre and I watched your movie and tried to
imitate your moves to the best of my ability. As I grew up, I no longer tried
to imitate your moves while I watch but just sat back and admire the grace you
have. Thank you for showing me that martial arts is a thing of beauty and for
giving me those great moments I had with my father. Happy Birthday Jet and I
wish you pure happiness and good health for both you and your family.

Bernadette |
26 years old female, from Philipines |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: www.pinayshi@yahoo.com |
Happy Birthday! I just wanted say that you are the best at what
you do. Fans like me can't get enough of you! I wish you the best blessings
that has been sent to you through your fanmails, only if you could reponse to
us back with the support we have given you. But making the movies are enough
for us getting your support back! :) Please keep up the faith, it was an honor
to know you,
Thank you,
Bernadette |
8- Wil
Gaban |
39 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: wgaban@hotmail.com |
Happy Birthday Jet. I am very proud of you and what you have accomplished. I
truly enjoyed watching your movies. I especially like to watch the movies that
show you martial arts skills. My favorites are the Wong Fei Hung series and
Fist of Legend. Make more Martial Arts movies if you can. You can make Asian
martial arts a thing to be proud of. I hope to see you make a movie in Hong
Kong, and the story line incorporates a Martial Arts showdown with other Asian
Martial Arts styles such as the Indonesian Pencak Silat, Thai boxing, and
Filipino stick fighting. I see you not just an actor, but a truly skilled
Martial Artist. Have a great birthday! |
9- Mark
Au |
34 years old male, from Australia |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: markau@optusnet.com.au |
Happy Birthday! Thank you for the many great movies and for the personal
inspiration. "People who complain about today's lack of heroes have never seen
a Jet Li movie." I wish you continuing success. |
Sara |
22 years old female, from
Switzerland |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: s.brizzi@bluewin.ch |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jet Li!! Wish you all the best. |
11- May
Chan |
16 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: ieyezi@aol.com |
saw romeo must die last week and it was so good! I'm going to see it again
tomorrow hehehe. Well I just wanted to say that your wushu skills are really
good your acting skills are really good too. I liked how you really did look so
damn caring in RMD.. and you looked really good in that movie also.. the hair
the pants.. ok yea keep on making more movies! Bye!
Happy Birthday!
12- Thor,
Chue Neng |
14 years old male, from Laos |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: superhmong@hotmail.com |
Happy birthday Jet. I am a student in North High School. I just wanted to say
Happy Birthday to you. You are my favourite kung-fu actor. |
13- Paw
18 years old female, from Thailand |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: knighthill@hotmail.com |
Dear Mr. Jet Li, I'd like to wish you a happy birthday. To be honest,
I've been your fan for only 3 days before I wrote this. You played a very
impressive Wah Sing Ku and that made me struggle for some more movies of you.
Finally, I managed to get "Black Mask". You're so cool! I think you're a
natural martial master and actor!
P.S. I love the way you smiled and the
impressions on your face when you killed people (refer to Lethal Weapon 4).
Thank you for being you. I'll always be your fan. Sincerely, Paw. |
14- Kelly
Nez |
12 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: krez@tlcfanmail.com |
Jet. I'd just like to say that in all these years I lovee to watch speacial
effects as much but when I see your moves, it just makes me wanna go and try to
do kung-fu to!!
15- Vaneesa
Tham |
22 years old female, from Australia |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: vaneesa10@hotmail.com |
Hello Jet Li, I have been your fan for quite long and have found that you are
great in all your movies. You are an excellent actor and I enjoy your
kung-fu... Firstly, I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and
congratulations on the arrival of your new baby. Finally, I am looking forward
for your reply. And Perth is a beautiful city of Australia, so please visit us
when you are in Australia.
P.S. you have a beautiful smile, keep
smiling. :) |
Brian |
12 years old male, from America |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: justtooogood@aol.com |
Ever since I
saw my first Jet Li movie "Once Upon A Time In China & America", he has
been role model. He takes his martial arts seriously and shows excellent
talent. I would like to contragulate him and his work. Since his birthday is
coming up soon I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! |
Alexandre Dubois |
17 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: adubois@virtuel.collegebdeb.qc.ca |
Jet, You are so amazing in your movies!! I just wanted to let you know that I
love your work! So Happy Birthday!! Oh yeah, and I would just love to see you
in the Matrix 2 and 3!! |
Sarah |
13 years old female, from Canada |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: sarah_girl_4ever@hotmail.com |
Dear Jet li, I just want to wish you a very happy birthday. I also want to let
you know that I'm one of your biggest fans and I hope to see you in real life
some day! I want to become a actress so I can really see you for real!!
P.S.I hope
you have many more birtdays to come. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLOVE, YOUR FAN SARAH
19- Brian
Litch |
20 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: brlitch@yahoo.com brlitch@yahoo.com |
Just wanted to wish "the man" a Happy Birthday. I myself had a
birthday on April 5th, it is wonderful to know that Jet and I share the same
month of the year. |
20- Hwang
Hyeon Ju |
21 years old female, from Korea |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: k7cinema@hanmail.co.kr |
I LOVE CINEMA! I like you all in all. |