1- Michael
Tran |
10 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years |
Jet, this is John and Michael Tran. We are among your biggest fans! I'm 11
years old and in the 6th grade. That is me, John Tran. I'm one of the best
fighters in my class.
Hi! Im Michael Tran im 10 years old. Every single
day, me and my brother train to be as good as you. So far, we are pretty good
right now and I'm in 5th grade and also I really want one of your fighting
suit. I think it's very very cool. |
Janice |
18 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5
years E-mail:
Happy Birthday! I'm one of your biggest fans. Keep doing movies. I
just want to let you know that you're awesome! I LOVE U! |
3- Yueyue
Jin |
21 years old female, China |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: ayjin@hotmail.com |
watched the first Jet Li movie when I was nine, and it was the ShaoLin
Temple... and I've been in love with Li Lian Jie ever since. I came to Canada
when I was 13, but I can still watch Jet Li's movies here, I am so happy :) Now
that Jet Li is making movie through the american market, I'm so proud of him, i
knew I spotted a hero!!
Love you
always jet li, Yueyue |
4- Olivia
Ooi |
25 years old female, from Malaysia |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: oliviaooi@hotmail.com |
It doesn't matter you don't know me as
it is more important that I know you - a superstar whom I heard and saw on
newspapers and movies. Even though I am just one of a thousand millions
audience writing to you now and perhaps you could have ignored my mail, anyway,
I just hope to send my best wishes to you and your wife and hoping to all your
family good health and happiness.
Last but not the least, I thank you for giving me a chance writing to
you as this is the first time that I find myself closer to the "special
person". Once again, thank you very much.
(both of us are 'rabbits'. I wish to see the "BIG" rabbit one of the days if I
could have the chance). Don't worry, I won't be crazy for it!
Yours sincerely OLIVIA OOI |
5- Joyce
Sowell |
38 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: djuice1@hotmail.com |
Dear Jet Li,
Happy Birthday to my favourite hero! After
watching Romeo Must Die, I am your fan for life. My goal is to let my children
become aware of you because you can present the good side to life and the bad
side to life as seen in your movies. Keep bring the realistic aspects of life
to the screen.
Once again,
Happy Birthday! |
6- J.
Jang |
17 years old male, from UK |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: Zenj1@aol.com |
hope you continue to be well and prosperous for many happy years to come!
7- Maibee
Cha |
18 years old female, from California |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: maibee_cha@hotmail.com |
Happy birthday!!! I wish you the best day of your life and your
family. I think that you did an awesome job making movies in Hong Kong and
America. I wish you the very best on your next movies and so on...
Maibee Cha |
8- Joan
Pusilo |
39 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: pusijoa@sme.org |
Just want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more, so that way I
can see more of your work. Keep them coming. Thanks for breaking into America.
Romeo Must Die was great. Look forward to see more. And again, hope you'll have
9- Mai Sue
Thao |
17 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: dizzy_vang@hotmail.com |
Li, I think that you are so cute and fine looking. You are very talented. Keep
your dreams coming true. I'm a very big fan of yours. Please e-mail me back.
Love you. |
10- Salina
& Landy |
1 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: fadingimages@yahoo.com |
love all your movies and we want to congratulate you on your success. We admire
your work. You have the coolest moves. I loved your latest movie, Romeo Must
Die. We must say that you are an excellent actor. Please write to us whenever
you have time. Thank you! |
11- Riccardo
Merisme |
25 years old male, from Haïti |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: rickyboom1@aol.com |
Dear Master Jet Lee,
First of all, I would like to wish you
Happy Birthbay! I wish you a lot of success in your next movies. I wish I were
your friend or your student cause I love you so much, and I love your movies,
espacially: "THE TAI CHI MASTER", there is good philosophy in it. Almost every
day I dream about being your student and act in your movie. I will be very
thankful if you let me know if you read my mail. Once again, I wish you Happy
Bithday! Hope to hear from you soon. |
12- Vicky
Floeter |
20 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: vjfloeter@netscape.net |
Dearest Jet,
I would like to wish you a very happy birthday
this month. Your my favourite person and one of the best people I adore. I hope
your birthday will be wonderful and I am looking forward to your see new
television show that you and Mel are working on called the "Invincible". Well
again, Happy Birthday to you, dearest Jet.
Your fan, Vicky Floeter |
13- Paul
Wei |
19 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: more than 10 years E-mail: pwei@risd.edu |
Happy birthday! I've been watching your movies since I was little,
starting with the shaolin temple series and wong fei hong. I think it's awesome
that you're coming to America and getting american audience all excited about
martial arts and chinese culture again. I've read your bio and philosophy and
found it to be really inspirational. i'm still kinda finding out how to balance
working hard and also finding time to focus on friends and family. I always
swing from one extreme to the other, but right now i'm trying to work harder.
My parents always tell me to work harder, but also expect me to devote time to
friends, which is also very important. I'm interested in making and directing
movies now, especially those that can deal with asian themes and culture, which
I don't think are dealt with enough right now. From reading your experiences
about making movies I know it's a tough process, and I hope I can find enough
devotion to actually pursue this field, especially since it is so competitive.
Your hard work and humbleness are an inspiration to me and I just wanted to let
you know that you do touch other people's lives and we all wish you a happy
Best Wishes!
Paul Wei |

14- Kyle
Brandt |
18 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: kabrandt@delta.is.tcu.edu |
Jet Li,
I am a college student and a martial arts instructor at the Tae
Kwon Do school I have always attended. It has taken me a lot of work and effort
to reach my current level. My 3rd dan test is coming up next year. You have had
a tremendous influence in my life as a martial artist. Congratulations on your
new success in the U.S., "Romeo Must Die" is a great film. Keep up the good
work, I know your popularity here in the states will continue to grow much
stronger. Congratulations on your family as well. I wish you the best of
success, and a happy birthday.
Kyle Brandt |
15- Amber
Calles |
24 years old female, from USA |
am truly waiting for the day we will meet, although you are married. I will
always be forever your most loyal fan. Until then, Good Luck!
Sincerely, Ms. Amber Calles |
Jannette |
20 years old female, from Philipines |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: jet_jan_li@wushulegend.com |
my idol,
Hope you will celebrate the happiest BIRTHDAY that you've ever
seen. My wish for you is just simple, I hope you carrer in hollywood will
become succesfull because I know you can do it. You have the potential not only
being a great martial artist but also a great actor. Hope you will take good
care of yourself. Wherever you are, the fans are all at your back to support
Once again HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and may
Buddha bless you always! A die hard fan, Jannette from Philippines |
17- Kieu
Phong |
16 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: fuji99film@yahoo.com |
Jet Li! How are you doing? What are you planning to do on your birthday? I hope
you will have a great birthday! I hope you will come out with some new movies.
Your new movie "Romeo Must Die" is very good. You and Aaliyah in the movie made
a good couple. Do you have a girlfriend yet? I know you have one already. Well,
have fun on your birthday and keep up the good work. BYE!!! |
18- Ken
Chau |
18 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: zozma@hotmail.com |
Jet, you have made such an impact in my life, it's simply incredible.
You have inspired me to train harder and work harder in martial arts. You made
me proud to be Chinese, which was really difficult when I lived in a small
town. Finally for the fun I have every time I watch a new Jet Li movie. Thanks
for everything you have done, may your future continue to be filled with
fortune and joy. |
19- Cecile
A. Amiths |
22 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: a_cecile@mailcity.com |
Dear Jet Li,
YOU JET LI. One of my dreams in life is to meet you but I know it is very
impossible as I am not an actress but only an ordinary person.I hope you will
send me a solo picture of yours with dedication in it. By that I would be
already very happy. If only I can also have your post office box address so
that I can always write you. I am always your number one fan and will always
be. |
20- Norm
Li |
19 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: nLi@hotmail.com |
Ni hao ma?! You are the greatest actor in the world! I have been
watching your movies for over 10 years now, and I have your entire movie
collection on VCD. I watch your movies everyday, and I never get bored of them!
You are the best! Anyway, if you have time, please write back to me. Thanks!
Normand Li |