41- Lenny
2 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: LennyDhamma@hotmail.com |
Dear Jet Li, Hi! How are you doing? At this movement, I would like to
congratulate you for your new movie, "RMD". And A Happy Birthday to you. I
wishing you and your family always beings be happy, peaceful, harmony and
liberation! Peace! Lenny T. |
42- Brian
Dawson |
17 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less
than a year E-mail:
briandean@dawsonmail.com |
Mr. Li, My name is Brian Dawson and I would like to wish you a very happy
birthday! I have seen all of your movies ever since I first saw The Black Mask.
It was great, and you have the most impressive karate skills I have ever seen!
I am in martial arts also, and still have much to learn. I want you to know
that you motivate me that much more! Also, after seeing you on late night
shows, I am very impressed with what a very nice man you are. You are a great
role model. Thank you. Your fan, Brian Dawson, Albuquerque, NM |
43- Ryan
Jumaani |
21 years old male, from Philippines |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: daemonclan_99@yahoo.com |
Dear Jet Lee, Greetings! I am your avid fun for almost 8 years. I always watch
all your movies. And my room is filled by your pictures on the wall. I admire
your fighting techniques especially your kicks and punches they are fast and
powerful. I began to get interest in martial arts when I saw your movies
especially "The Once upon a time in china". Every time I saw your posters in my
room I am motivated to train harder. I am a 2nd degree in Karate, Kyokushinkai.
I wish I can kick, punch and break my opponents as fast and stronger like you.
How old are you when you started practicing martial arts? and how many times a
week do you practice? and what is your ideal time for practice? And what style
in Kung fu you are practicing? And please tell me about the tournaments you
win? If you can please send me a picture of yours together. I wish you all the
best and more power to your career! Please response me at my email add:
daemonclan_99@yahoo.com Your avid fun, Ryan Jumaani 2nd degree Karate Black
Belt Zamboanga City Philippines |

44- Isaac
Kwan |
17 years old male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: dst000@pacbell.net |
Jet, I just want to wish you a happy birthday and keep up what you have been
doing. I love you movies and even more you fight scenes. You have inspired me
to keep on trying in my every day life as well as my martial arts life. Thanks
and good luck in the future, Isaac |
45- Bao Lee
29 years old female, from ) Laos |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: baolee_99@yahoo.com |
birthday!!!!! I think you're the best. You're my prince charming!!! If I could
be granted one wish, that would be to meet you in person. Love you and your
movies!!! I name my precious baby son "Jet" after you. I'm sure he'll grow up
to be a prince charming just like you. |
Jean-Francois Martin Carrier |
20 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: jfmcarrier@videotron.ca |
Mister Li, wish you a great birthday I wish luck to your little girl hope ..
you have many other birthday so be careful love your film .. from a kung fu fan
47- Lucia
Dominquez |
56 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: m5901-dld@webtv.net |
Dear Mr. LI, I hope you will have a bless Happy Birthday. Wish you the best
. A fan Lucia Dominguez |
48- Del
14 years old female, from Philippines
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: neoteric_del@hotmail.com |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish you all the best in your lifetime. More movies
and opportunities to come. May your success continue. You're one of the
greatest martial artist God had ever created. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |
49- Anoumith
Bosavanh |
21 years old male, from Laos |
Dear Jet Li, I hope you have a nice day and congratulation to your new
movie as 'Romeo must Die'. Happy Birthday Jet Li. I will talk with you later,
see you soon. |
50- Glenn
18 years old male, from Canada |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: Gwing17@hotmail.com |
Happy birthday Jet, Seeing as how Im a student of Zhang Guifeng then I
feel like we have a Wushu connection. anyway happy birthday. |
51- Paugois
Ludovic |
22 years old male, from France |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: blackmask@webmails.com |
Id just like to say that if I practice Wushu now it's thanks to you and
your movies. Without you I would have never discovered the beauty of this
martial art and its philosophy!! A great thanks to you!! A big fan from
France |
52- Ken La
Bad & Family |
41 male, from USA |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: thetiger@quixnet.net |
Wishing you a very happy Birthday. We Have just seen your movie
RMD The movie was great. Your gentlemen like conduct with the ladies is very
impressive. We wish you the best to you and your Wife. Happy Birthday
53- BJ Juan
45 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: bjcj@earthlink.net |
Happy Birthday Mr. Li! May you continue to have success in the
American movie industry. Your movies are a source of relaxation and
entertainment for me, and allow for some brief respite. Thank you for your
innovative martial arts style that lifts the genre from just "chop socky"
fighting. BJ Juan |
54- Daphne
19 years old female, from Philippines
Fanmeter: Less than 1 year E-mail: season@compass.com.ph |
Hello Jet Li!! I just want to greet you a happy happy birthday! I
just wanted you to know that ever since I watched your latest movie "Romeo Must
Die" I became determined to learn martial arts.. Im even forcing and
convincing my parents to enroll me in a martial arts school!! anyway hope
you'll have a great time celebrating your special day! take care! God bless!
55- Gracia
24 years old female, from Indonesia |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: gracia@uninet.net.id |
Best wishes for you and may you find your future days are the
happiest kind ! Keep humble :) and fill your days with virtues. HAPPY
BIRTHDAY...April 26, 2000 ! May God always give you His guidance and protect
you whatever came up... |
56- Shanti
Ramasamy |
28 years old female, from Malaysia |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: shanti205@hotmail.com |
First of all, I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday. Jet Li,
I like all your movies and I really enjoy it. My favorite movie is Bodyguard
From Beijing. It's really cool. Actually, there are lots of thing I want to
write here but I don't want to take your time much reading it. All the best and
May God bless you. Hope to hear from you. |
57- Israel
and Márcio |
18 years old male, from Brazil |
Fanmeter: 1 to 5 years E-mail: deathcrush@zipmail.com.br |
Great Li Lian Ji, In Brazil no doesn't much fans, but in the name
of yours true fans I desire much years of life in the cinema and kung fu. You
are my inspiration for training kung fu since that to watch the Shaolin temple.
Forever Jet-Li, the real lethal weapon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s.:Whon the sensation of
kick the ass of Mel Gibson? When back make movies about Wong Fei hung?
58- Ita and
Siti |
18 years old female, from Malaysia |
Fanmeter: More than 10 years E-mail: eyta82@hotmail.com |
My senior Jet Li HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! Congrate for you action
movie Romeo must Die but Romeo Must not die cos' Juliet will die too. So we
hope you can visit Malaysia one day cos' we all miss u so much Selamat panjang
umur. Bye |
59- Hang Do
16 years old female, from USA |
Fanmeter: Less than a year E-mail: masjcler@aol.com |
Dearest Li Lian Jie, Happy Birthday to you! I sincerely wish to
thank you for bringing our Asian inspiration to the western world. At least
this is the start for Americans to realize our Asian spirit and capabilities. I
hope that your beloved Wu Bin would celebrate your birthday with you........
and maybe news of Jet Li Jr.???? kekeke. I wonder if Mrs. Li's birthday present
to you be a baby! truly, Hang Do |
60- Tina Pu
21 years old female, from China |
Fanmeter: 5 to 10 years E-mail: txxbest@hotmail.com |
Jet Li, Ni Hao, congratulations with the new movie! I think you
did a wonderful job! :) I've always enjoy watching your movies...especially
martial arts! Yes, I do martial arts myself. for almost ten years! What's the
next movie about? --Tina Pu Pu Zhen Ting |