Chapter 1  

Chapter 2  

Chapter 3  

Chapter 4  

Chapter 5  

Chapter 6  

Chapter 7  

Chapter 8  

Chapter 9  

Chapter 10  

Chapter 11  

Chapter 12  


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Chapter 10

Jenny arrived at Dr. Schultz’s office 20 minutes early. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out the book that Jet had given her on their first meeting date. She examines the leather binding and very carefully opens it to the first page. It is hand written in Chinese. She makes an attempt to read the first page but finds it is not only difficult to read but also her mind is pre-occupied with her thoughts of Jet etc. In her mind she is struggling with whether or not she should discuss her suspicions with Dr. Schultz. Jenny is nervous about being hypnotized again but is also excited because she may get more answers to the connection between those lives and Jet.

Dr. Schultz
Good Afternoon Jenny. Please come in and have a seat. I’ll be right with you.

Ok. Thanks.

Jenny sits down and fidgets with her back pack.

Dr. Schultz
Well.. that was quite a session we had last week. I would like to introduce you to an associate of mine Dr. Thompson. She would like to sit in today and record the hypnosis session. And, if it’s alright with you she may or may not have some questions for you also.

Jenny looks over at the woman who is about 5ft 9’ with short blonde curly hair, blue eyes, an endearing smile and wearing a beautiful form fitting light gray suit with a white silk blouse.

Jenny nodds in agreement, takes a deep breath and sits back in the chair.

Dr. Schultz
At the end of our last session I asked that you look through some old family pictures to see if anyone was familiar to you. Did you find out anything?

Jenny reaches into her backpack and pulls out the photograph from 1944 and passes it to Dr. Schultz

Actually yes. I found this picture right here.

Dr. Schultz carefully looks at the photo and when his eyes turn to the young woman bearing a sticking resemblance to Jenny he makes a sincere attempt at not to being shocked by the discovery and passes the photo to Dr. Thompson. She carefully looks at the photo and places it on the table beside her.

Dr. Schultz
I can see the resemblance between you and the woman called Isabel.

Yes. It was amazing when I found the picture. All the memories came flooding back. I remembered who I was, my family and then I remembered that the picture was taken three days before I was killed. I died that night I met him. I went back to the tenement with my mother and the Nazis came back. I know this all sounds absolutely nuts. I am not handling it too well but I want to continue. I need answers.

Dr. Schultz
Alright then. I have to admit this is amazing. The resemblance is uncanny. Ok.. well let’s begin then. Are you relaxed? Is there anything I can get you before we begin?

No I'm fine. Will you be recording this session?

Dr. Schultz looks over at Dr. Thompson and she motions him to go outside for a moment..

Dr. Schultz
Yes... We'll be right back.


Dr. Schultz and Dr. Thompson step outside the office..

Dr. Thompson
Why didn't you tell her what my role in this is?

Dr. Schultz
I was afraid that if we told her that you are actually a psychic she may freak or that it may change the outcome or direction of the session. Believe me I want you there beside her. I just don’t want her to know you are there.

Dr. Thompson
I understand but this isn’t how I usually do this and I am not sure it will work. If she is connected as you say she is to her past lives then I wont have a problem. If I feel uncomfortable then we need to stop though. Some events are too traumatic for even me to handle and I have seen them all.

Dr. Schultz
Yes. I understand. The moment you feel as though she is in danger then I will stop.

They both go back into the office and Dr. Schultz positions himself in front of Jenny.

Dr. Schultz
Ok.. Jenny. I want you to relax and take 10 deep breaths. I want you to imagine two large brass doors with large brass knockers on them. You are going to push the doors open and you are going to step into a large hall.It has a large cathedral ceiling, the floor is tiled and the walls are covered with paintings. You feel very comfortable in this room. Now I want you to sit down on the bench facing the paintings and look closely at the first one. What do you see Jenny?

I see Isabel in the bomb shelter with her mother.

Dr. Schultz
Now look to the other painting beside it. What do you see on there?

I see a little girl staring out of the window. It’s Sarah. She is watching them playing Wei’Chi on the street.

Dr. Schultz
Now look to the right. Look closer. What do you see?

It's dark and stuffy. I can hear the hooves of several horses galloping. I think I am inside a carriage. There’s a little light. I am going to pull the curtain open a little.

Dr. Thompson places herself under hypnosis and telepathically enters Jenny’s past live with her. She is a silent witness to the events that will unfold.


Heather.. Close the curtain please. We shall be there soon. I promise.

Yes. Father. Do you think we will be safe?

Yes of course. He just wants to learn English and I believe he wants his eldest son to learn also. As soon as he is content we will leave. Please remember your station Heather. They are not used to having a civilized woman in their presence. Do not speak until spoken to. I have arranged for one of the servants to teach you the customs of the palace. I advise you to learn them quickly my dear.

Yes Father. I understand. Why couldn’t we just go back home?

This is an opportunity the King needs. He wishes to improve relations and trading with the Chinese and he knew I was in the region and that the Emperor was requesting a tutor. So he volunteered me. I am sorry you are not happy. I know I promised we would take the next passage back to Scotland. As soon as we are finished here we can go. Now let us make the best of this lass.

The carriage stops and a foot soldier comes to the door and opens it abruptly. The light is blinding and it takes Heather a few moments to adjust her eyes. She covers them with her gloved hand. Her father steps out of the carriage and speaks to the soldier breifly and climbs back in to the carriage.

Is everything alright?

Yes. The palace is up ahead. He is giving us an escort to take us right into the palace court yard.

Heather sits up and carefully arranges her dress. She is nervous and scared at the thought of meeting the Emperor of China. She had heard some wonderful things about him, his thirst for knowledge and his amazing palace scholars but the Chinese are notorious and brutal. One disagreement and her Father could be in chains or worse. She understood why he agreed. He really had no choice. One has to serves one’s country’s best interest no matter what the sacrifice. He said. She knew her Father, even though he is Scottish, he stood by the English throne but only to protect Scottish interests. Without the English and their ships, Scotland would not see any of the luxuries imported from the East. And Scottish lairds and royalty were just as eager to experience the prizes from the orient as any.

The carriage goes in an incline, levels out and comes to a halt. Heather steps out onto the courtyard. Her feet sink into the dirt. Her legs are shaky from the days travel. She glances upwards and gasps at the palace wonder. It was brilliant. Stair upon stairs leading upwards, military regiments of soldiers and horses everywhere and colourful Chinese clan flags as far as the eye could see.

Next Chapter

Written by Isabel Hodge

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